1. Shopping cart
Select the products you would like to order by clicking on the “Add to shopping cart” button. This adds the products to your shopping cart. You can amend this selection at any time before you submit your order by changing the product quantity, clicking on the “Remove” button to delete the selected products, or by cancelling the ordering process before its conclusion. Clicking on the “Checkout” button will take you to the next step in the ordering process.
2. Checkout
Your personal details are collected, processed and used in accordance with the data protection regulations (see data privacy policy). Clicking on the “Continue” button will take you to the next step in the ordering process.
3. Review billing address, select payment methods, review delivery address
Please check your billing address and select your preferred payment method. Next, check the delivery address. Clicking on the “Continue” button will take you to the next step in the ordering process.
4. Conclusion of ordering process / terms and conditions of business and privacy policy
You will see a summary of your order that shows the products selected, the delivery and billing addresses and your contact details. Please check whether all of the details are correct, and carefully read the general terms and conditions of business and the cancellation policy. You can only proceed with your order if you agree to the general terms and conditions of business and the privacy policy (tick). Your order will be submitted to us when you click on the “Buy” button. This means that you have made a legally binding offer to purchase.